Well, August is here—already?—and I still don't have The Wizard's Heart
ready for publication, even though I last said it would be ready no
later than July. Well, it's not even remotely close to being ready.
Beta-reader feedback was mixed, and I have since been working to address
all of the issues they had with the book—everything from
characterization to plot and everything between. It's been a labor of
angst, frustration, tears, and cursing, but I am making progress, if slowly.
However, as a result of all this, I really do not know when the
book will release. Once I finish the current draft, I'll have to read
through the whole manuscript and make additional changes for clarity and
consistency, and then I plan to send the book out for a second
beta-read. It will likely be months from now before I receive feedback
from a second round of betas, no sooner than the end of September. At
earliest (assuming that I actually have a better book after this draft),
I might—might—have the book ready by December. Maybe. Gosh, that's depressing. But it is what it is.
In other good news, I will soon be able to make a super awesome announcement regarding a super amazing thing happening next year. But until then, we can all be sad about the delayed release for The Wizard's Heart.
In other other news, Dark Lord in Training is
coming along nicely. I'm really enjoying the change of pace and coming
up with ridiculous situations to put my characters through. It is a nice
distraction from the seriousness of The Wizard's Heart, and it's a lot of fun to write. If you want, you can read snippets week to week on Google+ at the #DarkLordinTraining hashtag.