May 4, 2012

april sales

April was an interesting month. I sort of got burned out on trying to sell my book to the internet so I did absolutely zero marketing. And I learned an important lesson: no marketing = no book sales.

April Sales for The Clockwork Giant

Price: ebook $4.99, paperback $10.79/$11.99 (depending on where you buy it)

Kindle: 1 copy, $3.44 in royalties
Kindle International: 0
Nook: 1 copy, $3.24 in royalties
Smashwords: 0
Createspace: 0
Direct: 0

Yep. Two sales. All month.

Let’s see if a renewed marketing drive will get those numbers up for May. If anything good came out of this month of sales, it was the fact that I didn’t obsess over my sales. When you log in for two weeks straight without a single sale, you kind of lose the desire to check.

I did learn that Smashwords reports sales from third party sellers quarterly. I was pleased to learn that I sold three books through Kobo between January and March. So there’s that.

Also, one more thing. This blog will soon undergo some pretty smallish changes. I’m going to blog on Mondays and Thursdays instead of my previous Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. Multiple reasons: I need more time for other things, like, you know, writing; and I’m in a phase where I feel like blogging is a waste of time since my views are less than satisfactory, even with my decent following, and comments are nearly non-existent. Hopefully the phase will pass soon.

Other changes: new color scheme and header (the website will also change to reflect the blog), and I’m going back to my Back to Basics series next week. Every three or so posts, I’ll post something non-Back to Basics related. Also, I am now going to report sales quarterly, once I get my info from Smashwords.

That's all for now. Now that the design is up, what do you think?


  1. I may not comment very often, but I do read your blog regularly. It is important to focus on your writing, though. I blog about once or twice a week myself.

    1. i think it's a trend for most blogs. i know i don't comment anywhere unless i have something to add to the conversation, yet i read 30-40 blog posts a week. it is nice to know that people do still read my blog. i think i'm just being a little whiny.

  2. I read each post too... but I don't have much to say. Your comments on the trials and tribulations of being an author are priming me for what I can expect with my wife as she finishes her first work and goes into sales.

    1. thanks Gabriel ;) i think i just expect too much from my readers, and that's not fair to you guys. i'm happy that you're reading and enjoying (i hope!) what i have to say :)

  3. I don't think you're being whiny. And I have been terrible about getting around to my favorite blogs. Bad Darby! By the way, great post!
